How Students Use Theologica

How Students Use Theologica

Since its release, students have been using Theologica to study for assessments and compose theological essays. In this post, I’d like to highlight some of the ways students are using the app for exegetical research.  Continue reading

Exploring Theologica: Overview

Over the next few months, I will be exploring various aspects of Theologica in a series of posts dedicated to the app. Some will examine its general features, while others will analyze specific content (terms, map points, reference sites, etc). Hopefully, this will not only help explain some of the content choices I made in development, but also serve as point of departure for an extended online discussion of the given topic. To begin, I’d like to examine the Overview tab. Continue reading

Introducing Theologica

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3 years ago, I had an idea for an iPhone app that would serve as a theological resource for students and teachers of Theology. So, as I learned the basic elements of Objective-C programming in Xcode, I started building a simple dictionary app that slowly evolved into something much larger than what I originally envisioned. On Monday, July 27, Theologica was finally approved for sale in the App Store. Thanks to all the beta testers who offered helpful feedback that improved the user experience.

In coming months, I’ll be exploring various areas of content in the app (terms, locations, references, historical events, etc.) to illustrate how the app can be used as a learning and teaching tool for anyone who is called to “think faith.”




Progress on “theologica”

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After a 1 1/2 month, daddy-day care induced hiatus, I’ve resumed work on “theologica”. iOS 7’s default look is a bit different than before, which means that I’ll have to do some serious reading to get it just right, but the basic layout of the app will remain the same. I finally got around to adding the penultimate category to my tab bar as well as some terms in that category.  Continue reading